- 2021 Pioneer Prize
- From Villa Space
Projet Description
The light and shadow of the lake and the moon in autumn are in peace.
Being a part of nature, human beings have a natural tendency to get close to nature and seek connection with nature. In the city, being close to nature is sometimes out of reach. The land and forest are luxury goods under the high-speed life rhythm, not to mention being immersed in it to experience a sense of leisure and relaxation.
The design of this case takes "autumn color" as the theme of the situation creation, and uses natural design to describe the space's aura, mellow and elegant temperament. From the material level to the spiritual level, it matches the life style of urban elites and constructs a simple and natural contemporary ecological human settlement model.
The collision of retro, orange and green freely reveals a flamboyant and extravagant temperament, adding a free and unrestrained autumn breath to this city that embraces modernity. The fusion of modernity and nature is the life style of this case. The atmosphere created by colors and objects is also fully mobilized and released, bringing a mysterious narrative to every inch of space. The furnishings in life are the expression of the soul of the space, and the medium through which the user resonates with the space.

EGD SPACE亦境空间设计创办于2015年,致力于顶级地产示范区售楼处会所、高端样板房、酒店、商业展览展示、创意办公、顶级别墅豪宅等高级定制化设计服务,与众多知名上市地产公司合作,作品屡获国内外顶级设计奖项、迅速成为设计行业新锐力量。
亦境着眼于当下,为生活创造新的概念,融入亦诗亦境的美学体验 ,秉承心在何处,美在何处的设计初衷。

POETIC SPACE诗意空间设计成立于2017年,致力实现高品质定制化室内及软装设计服务,专注于商业地产领域。