- 2021 Pioneer Prize
- From IDPA
Projet Description
We gave the name "CITY PARK" for the entire project, and I hope this project will become a city park. People who come here are not only to consume, but to communicate here and become a platform, a social platform.From the city-garden-landscape-indoor, anatomical analysis. We set up the scene lighting in the space, exchanged the lights during the day and night, at night when the flow of people is peak, it becomes a "city", mainly with high brightness and dazzling LED color film to express the "city" at night . At night, when the traffic is low, it becomes a "park", which is dominated by the atmosphere of the space, and the main light source is weakened to make it quiet. The whole design process revolves around change.
安麓设计是筑梦的引路人,为 “创作”和“创想”的团队提供多元的平台资源,并构筑坚实的设计与管理体系。我们在持续革新与实践中不断丰富品牌内涵,塑造个性化的高端设计品牌。薪火相传,我们的品牌个性彰显:铂观装饰完善的研发及实施系统;安麓倡导本源的生活态度及善于发掘生活艺术的点滴,主张用陈设对话艺术。