- 2021 Silver Prize
- From Home Product
Guan Yun
Projet Description
Science and technology are changing with each passing day, and the times are accelerating. Are people living happier lives?
No, not necessarily. We often feel that we are being carried forward by the times. We want to stop but can't stop. We can't break away from the accelerating social system, but we can control our own rhythm to participate.
Go out, interact with the outside world, collaborate with others, and make a gear to match this era.
Enter the door, then put down everything around you, make a pot of good tea, enjoy a short rest, look at the sky outside the window, and look back at your original intentions.
The design of the "Guanyun" tea table integrates water, boiling water and buckets into the column of the table, intensively achieving simplicity and cleanliness. The corners of the table top are all rounded, friendly and safe, and the columns form the beauty of the interlaced volume and surface. On the other side of the leg frame, vertical lines are used to create order and purity, creating a wonderful Zen state. In order to fit the contemporary logistics system, the leg frame and the table top are connected by hardware, and the connecting piece between the side legs and the table top satisfies the functional requirements and uses cloud patterns as the finishing touch.
Recalling when we were young, we saw the cloud very close...
竹文化一直以来深入每个炎黄子孙的骨髓,因此,硏篁品牌力创以竹为体以竹传神的原创家具,以期让人诗意栖居。 坚定生态文明的发展路线,竹,以其速生、强韧的特点凸显出来。结合当下科技,高温高压后的竹材解决了易裂、无大材的缺陷。 硏篁立足于传统榫卯结构基础,融合现代人居环境需求,重视传承与革新,研发出根植于传统精粹又能面向现代消费者的家具产品。