IDPA Japan Design Award

2025 International Design Pioneer Award | Japan Tokyo

Zhong Liang Exquisite Residence

by VBD Design Group

Projet Description

The birth of the project is to explore the evolution process and inheritance methods of the current culture, and dissolve it into the story of the upcoming future.
The divergence of thinking and the hidden structure of the modern language are the qualitative style of a space, entrusted with the reorganization of a specific consciousness, and the work is also eloquent. With nature as a mirror, everything can be known. The slightly retro linear form not only reflects the nostalgia, but also brings the building itself closer to nature. The free spread of the elements, the silent hidden mystery of the original ecology encountered at the corner, is in the tranquility, and the spatial layout under the order of human existence is outlined in the crisscrossed mass structure. Closing is a hidden territory, and opening is an alternative world. Every subtle detail and ingenuity is an exquisite division of the extension of the pattern.

Sale Center

Model Room B

VBD Design Group

VBD国际设计集团秉承全球化设计定位,独具「室内设计、产品研发为主体,软装设计与实践、工程施工与管理为两翼」的核心竞争力。具备建筑装饰工程设计专项甲级资质,作为城市美好人居的践行者,倡导「场所精神 GENIUS LOCI」 产业类型包含:高端住宅地产、住宅产业标准化、城市综合体、商业办公、文教机构、精品酒店等。近百人的专业团队,汇聚大批海外专业设计人才,设计作品屡获国际殊荣。

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