- 2021 Silver Prize
- From Hotel Club
Tianfeng Cloud Mansion
Projet Description
Tianfeng Cloud Mansion is a large flat-level business club project of 500 square meters located on the 21st floor. It has the super landscape of "Asia's largest musical fountain" in Luoyang Kaiyuan Lake. There are many weighing structures in the original structure, and the owner has a higher demand for transparent space experience and viewing. Therefore, at the beginning of the design, we wanted to open the public area as much as possible, and use the method of borrowing and translating between the weighing columns to maximize the spatial vision and experience. On the basis of meeting the functional requirements, the design that reflects the Chinese charm and incorporates a modern and even futuristic sense is the core of the design of this project.
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2010年——2015年 洛阳米兰空间设计事务所 设计师
2015年——2018年 上海达观 软装主案
2018年——2020年 上海HWCD 软装主管
2020年——至今 洛阳忱意空间设计研究室 软装总监兼创始人
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