- 2021 Pioneer Prize
- From Commercial & Display
OnlyQueen space design
Projet Description
Only Queen Jewelry focuses on commemorative jewelry customization, hoping to make customers' beautiful stories and moments permanent through each carefully customized jewelry work. The founder of only queen Jewelry believes that jewelry is not only a symbol of identity and wealth, but also a carrier of the family's spiritual link and inheritance. Each custom jewelry is not just a decorative object, but also a sustenance and continuation of emotion. Therefore, the brand endows the brand with new potential energy through community and new retail. Establish and continuously deepen the relationship between people. Connect women with common values and let jewelry give life a new attitude. In this case, the Panyu Shuangyi team was entrusted to carry out a full-dimensional brand design for the brand. From visual presentation to terminal image display, under the guidance of the core concept of the brand, a unified and consistent communication was achieved.
杭州 IFSE 双邑商业美学空间设计创始人&首席设计总监
杭州知名商业美学空间设计师、珠宝/新零售商业空间品牌策略顾问;ID+G金创意特聘设计实战导师;世界设计师品质保证国际评估协会认证设计师 ; 中国室内建筑学会室内设计分会会员 ; PINKI EDU先锋学生委员会理事;CPCA中国创意先锋协会会员,被授予“中国创意先锋”荣誉称号。
十余年的专业实践经验,以珠宝商业空间及新零售商业空间设计为主要业务范畴,已成功服务国际轻奢品牌Aurora奥罗拉丝巾、英国皇家珠宝BING BING DIAMOND旗下榴园珠宝、KOGE时尚珠宝、SJONO世纪缘珠宝、金伯利珠宝、老凤祥珠宝、明玥珠宝、杭州大厦ITAROPA PLUS欧洲饰品集合店、上海城隍珠宝形象SI、上海黄浦江畔BALLONFLOWER顶级珠宝会所、深圳龙泽润宝展厅、郑州绿地双子塔华晶金刚石会所展厅等国内一线城市的知名合作伙伴、ONE记忆珠宝新概念品牌、克拉新娘90后新概念品牌。
奖项荣誉:2019第七届IDG金创意国际设计大奖“商业空间国际创新大奖”;2019她设计奖·年度优秀空间设计奖;2019日本IDPA国际先锋设计大奖 ;
2018美国全球影响力华人典范设计师;2018中美国际设计交流展设计大奖;2018国际设计大奖IDG金创意奖特聘实战导师;2018M+中国高端室内设计大赛2018年度潜力设计师奖;2017法国双面神"GPDPAWARD"国际设计大奖;2017 IDG金创意国际空间设计大赛展示空间设计大奖···