IDPA Japan Design Award

Nanjing Eagle science and Technology Museum

by Shenzhen Insight Technology Exhibition Co.,LTD

Projet Description

Nanjing Eagle Science and Technology Museum is based on "Art, Technology, Interaction and Experience", linking business, society, city and people, with the curatorial theme of "Source-Coexistence", from insight into the issues of the times to thinking about environmental management strategies. A discussion and imagination of future cities and future life are upcoming. Here, we use several innovative artistic techniques such as immersive cinema, mobile installations, mirrors of the future and a revolving stage to create an imagination of the future of technology and life.
The future is the convergence of cutting-edge technology, the future is the sharing of fresh life, and the future must be what you and I am looking forward to! Come with us and be a part of the future.

Shenzhen Insight Technology Exhibition Co.,LTD

We Follow the Proposition That "the Essence of Design Is Insight Into the Human Heart", and Seek To Interconnect the Emotions of all Things in Space, Continue To Promote Narrative Empathy Through Sensory Experience, and Empower Technology, Art and Culture Through the Power of Design.

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