IDPA Japan Design Award

2024 International Design Pioneer Award | Japan Tokyo

Ming Yuan Villa

by Eva Zhou

Projet Description

The owner has a special preference for Chinese decoration and hopes that the overall space will be endowed with connotation and Chinese traditional culture. The design adopts the new Chinese style, which is different from the traditional Chinese style; It not only integrates modern design language, but also has decorative elements from ancient times, reflecting the simple and generous Oriental Zen.
In the public impression, the traditional Chinese style home is always calm and graceful, but the new Chinese style makes people feel simple and elegant. The overall lines are smooth, bright, fresh and natural. This case is a perfect combination of classical and modern, and the passion collision between classical style and modern elements. The coexistence of tradition and fashion shows the unique Oriental tonality of elegance and heritage. Create a clubhouse space full of traditional charm with the aesthetic needs of modern people, and more implicitly express the owners' pursuit of oriental classical and elegant atmosphere. Just as each style will be influenced by the times with the changes of the times, and with the collision of various elements with Chinese traditional culture, a new style will be derived. New Chinese style plus light luxury not only retains the classical humanistic feelings, but also combines the fashion and practicality of modern decoration, and conforms to the yearning of contemporary people for exquisite life.

Eva Zhou

Master of Arts, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;
Studying in RMIT and learning about the sustainable design of commercial space design;
Present Shanghai Huadi Design Director / Creative Art Director;
Worked at US HKS Design
Hong Kong Carnival International Holdings, etc.
"Cross-border integration of design" (to find a balance between sensibility and rationality, realistic needs and personal ideas, so as to achieve design art, art commercialization and commercial design.Make the design have more texture.)
Representative works:
Heraeus China Headquarters Office Building Mars Shanghai Headquarters Office Building KSB Shanghai Headquarters BenQ Shanghai Office Nu Skin China Shanghai Beijing Emerson Shanghai Headquarters Suzhou Shin Kong Place Chongqing Shin Kong Place Paullain Dongshan River Jiuli Zhonghai Qiantan Gubei No. 1 Guoxiang Yuanjing Dajing Tiancheng and other commercial spaces and model displays.

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