- 2022 Silver Prize
- From Commercial & Exhibition
Flowing with time
Projet Description
Proximity and distance, touch and feel, reality and imagination, provide an immersive and delightful environment that awakens our eyes and all our senses, leading us to explore the full sense of experience.
For the original space of the project, the steel structure that picks up the space naturally creates many sequences. These sequences either stand vertically or diagonally in the space, reducing the original design flexibility of the space.
Secondly, the light surface is single, the facade cannot do any window renovation, and the large scale space is inwardly oriented, which all affect the light of the space. And for a space associated with wedding clothes and makeup, light is especially important.
Therefore, we try to create a space with natural light as much as possible, try to find any gaps where the sunlight pours in, and match the curved surface and height of the space to present the brightness and sacredness of white moonlight.
The combination of natural purity and precise embellishment is the inspirational path of space design around wedding, photography, youth, beauty, vitality and starting point, a romantic art sculpture on top of the ultimate white space, carrying all the beautiful expectations and metamorphosis are thus started.
Time passes with each journey of life, flowing step by step for a wonderful lifetime, which is the exquisite conception of the design and the fit between the space and the brand style.
The design introduces the natural landscape into the interior and reconstructs the main mood as an abstract expression of curves and geometry, linking the complex ecosystem with nature and humanity in an invisible way, from the shape of the layout to the introduction of natural elements.
The figurative expressions create all kinds of images in simplicity, echoing and harmonizing with the subtraction of colors, and releasing the freedom of space to the maximum.
Curves and geometry spare no effort to take up the important task of rhythm, achieving the unhindered flow of space in terms of walking and emotion, pure, flowing, free, gentle and elegant.
From visual to emotional, it constantly leads to a gradual sublimation of emotions.
Minimalism and purity are the main theme of the design, like a mind map spreading and bifurcating, and all figurative techniques are focused on this expression.
He Junming
Worked in architecture and interior design for 21 years.
Graduated from Beijing University of Chemical Technology.
Founder/Design Director of Beijing MoHome Space Design Co.
National Registered Senior Interior Architect.
Senior expert designer of interior design in China.
Founder of Design.Coordinate Design Alliance.
Judge of Nest award.
Strategic partner of Top Design Center of EasyHome.
Ali Designer Certification Consultant.
Special Lecturer of Mars Times Education.
Vice President of Chinese Book of Changes Association Haidian Branch.