IDPA Japan Design Award

2024 International Design Pioneer Award | Japan Tokyo


by Qin Shen

Projet Description

The pearls are like the tears of God, flowing through the world.

Qin Shen

Founder/Design Director of Chongqing Shenqin Interior Design Co., Ltd
Vintage jewelry collector
Founder of The World's Vintage Jewelry
Chongqing elite designer
300 designers signed designers
2015 Golden Watt Award Top Ten Design Star Youth
2016 he was shortlisted for the Idea-Top Award for Best Catering Space Design
Designers invited to participate in the 2016 Shanghai Design Week
2017 Golden Watt Award Top Ten Space Concept Design Award
2018 Golden Watt Award for Outstanding Commercial Space of the Year
2018 Guangzhou Design Week Annual Most Beautiful Grace Space Design Award
2019 China Residential Design Elite List Excellence Award
2019 Guangzhou Design Week Annual Most Beautiful Grace Space Design Award
2019 National 4040 China (Chongqing) Design Outstanding Youth
2019 China Decoration Design Award Concept Scheme Silver Award
2019 Outstanding Designer of the Year
2020 Guangzhou Design Week Annual Most Beautiful Grace Space Design Award
2021 "Zhu Rong Award" Reunion Competition Area Clubhouse Entertainment Space First Prize
2021 M+ China High-end Interior Design Competition National TOP100
2021 China Building Decoration Industry Most Original Designer Work Award
2021 Zhu Rong Award Entertainment Club Space Category National Top Ten Works
2021 Guangzhou Design Week Annual Most Beautiful Luxury Space Design Award
2021 China Residential Design Rendering Design Competition Large Apartment Excellence Award
2021 China's First Office Space Design Awards Silver Award for Space Design in the Entertainment Industry
2021 Top 10 Design Competition (4th Place)
2021 IDA International Space Design Silver Award

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