- 2021 Prize
- From Character Award
Projet Description
Yujian Tangzhai B&B is located at No. 43, County South Street, the private garden of Tang Yikui, a native of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (owner Tang Yikui was the governor of water transport in the late Qing Dynasty), covering an area of more than 3,000 square meters. Ingenious design, exquisite sceneries, pavilions, terraces, xuan and pavilions are all available. Based on the historical and cultural protection area, the B&B is renovated to give a new interpretation of the traditional garden culture and Jiangnan culture. There are 20 different themed rooms in three areas: Lin, Ying, and Xian. Carry the life behavior of modern people in the form of ancient rhyme space. Taking the urban humanistic living room as the final spatial positioning, using the behavior of the ancient literati to mirror the activities in the garden, creating a modern elegant gathering to drive the output of the ancient city culture, attract the return of young consumption power, and drive the economic development of Xiannan Street. In the form of a humanistic living room, the modern humanistic state is full. Combining the traditional culture of Changshu and local cultural and creative products, the theme of cultural and creative to drive homestay operations and Changshu's tourism economy.
由伟壮 大墅尚品装饰品牌创始人 翁布里亚软装陈设创始人、软装总监 金堂奖·2018中国室内设计年度评选组委会委员 第二届“吊顶·顶墙集成”中国空间应用设计大赛(红鼎奖)评委 「筑巢十年·讲述中国人的好生活」第七、九届筑巢奖 设计师评审委员 常熟首位并多次登上央视《交换空间》节目的室内设计师 北京卫视《暖暖的新家》第六季12期主创设计师 北京卫视《暖暖的新家》第八季4期主创设计师 东方卫视《一席之地》第5期主创设计师 美好生活研究院城际联盟苏州分院秘书长 意大利威罗涂料艺盟创意平台特别顾问 苏州装饰设计行业协会副会长 常熟市装饰装潢设计行业协会会长 常熟市青年创业者协会理事长 常熟市新阶层文创设计精英联谊会副会长 苏州市青年创业者协会副会长 大墅尚品—由伟壮设计团队掌门人 金堂奖全国联盟(常熟)合伙人 金堂奖执委会(常熟)执行会长 金堂奖中国室内设计年度评选组委会 委员 中装协高级室内建筑师 他对中式文化的沉淀和积累运筹帷幄 积极参与公益设计,让多套老房起死回生 为真正家庭困难的虞城人民进行老房设计改造,改善他们的生活问题 他善于向别人取经,也不吝于分享自己的设计经验与经历 多次荣任知名设计大赛评委 设计作品多次在著名家装书籍杂志上发表,广获好评 他一直关注青年设计师的发展 积极参与协会事务,凝聚常熟设计力量 推进常熟本地设计行业的进步 他励志的创业故事鼓舞了更多人进入并且热爱这个行业