- 2021 Pioneer Prize
- From Home Product
Yaqing Series 16AX 250V One double control switch
Projet Description
Yaqing Series 16AX 250V~ One double control switch
Appearance: The front of the button is a 2.5D arc surface, and the side of the panel is a 3D arc surface. The appearance is warm and elegant, round and high-gloss (A0 level). The mold adopts the Haval structure and the mold technology of consumer electronics.
The product's warm and delicate touch feels like gel fat. Let your hands feel the modern craftsmanship. The touch feel is beyond your imagination.
The button and the panel have a smooth transition and the gap is even (the gap between the button and the panel is 0.4 mm)
Color: elegant white, streamer gold, fluorescent gray
Surface treatment: high-gloss surface (A0 level), 3D wire drawing
飞雕品牌创立于1987年,是国内率先进行开关插座生产和销售的企业之一,总部坐落于上海松江科技园区,总占地面积20万平方米,建筑面积17万平方米。在生产制造方面,拥有国内领先水平的自动化生产线,在职员工超过2000人,资深工程技术研发人员近100人,先后获得国家专利500多项。行业内率先完成质量管理体系、环境管理体系、职业健康安全管理体系和知识产权管理体系的认证,并先后获得“中国驰名商标”、“上海名牌产品”、“中国高新技术企业”等称号。截止2020年,集团已有拥有开关插座、浴霸、照明、排插等产品。目前,全国有上海松江、广东佛山两大生产基地,年产能 达20多亿;在线下零售市场飞雕销售网点遍布全国近十万家;在线上销售渠道,飞雕品牌也已入驻天猫、京东、拼多多等大型电商平台; 经过30余年的发展,飞雕品牌已成为集研发、制造、销售、服务于一体的大型现代化产业集团。