- 2025 Prize
- From Office Space
Falougha Fold
Project Description
We believe this house was a modest silk fabric (upper level) built against the mountain in the village of Falougha. The workshop was transformed later into a house which extended further down the slope (lower part). A metallic stair connected both levels.
The owner who works in a publishing house wanted to add a book shelving unit in the living room. We designed a library along with an integrated wooden stair connecting both levels, perpetuating the morphology of the house and unfolding a new story.
A humble but great project on which clients (Samar & Nadim) and designers worked side by side with a great team spirit, we talked, listened, debated, argued, gesticulated, whispered, screamed, imagined, messaged, called, and drove through the beautiful villages of Mount Lebanon until the successful handing over of the "Falougha Fold".
Team: Samar Abou-Zeid, Nadim Ghorra, Marie-Jo Ghorra, Nagi Ghorra, Nada Habis Assi.
Execution by B.N. WOOD team, directed by Tony Bou Nader & Patrick Salame.