IDPA Japan Design Award

2024 International Design Pioneer Award | Japan Tokyo


by Zhang Xia

Projet Description

Zhang Xia

Years of employment: 14 years
Design philosophy: life is design, understanding life can better understand design
2022 The first Alibaba Design Challenge for Every Flat and Every House to find the top 300 national good designs
2022 Nomination Award of the 10th Taiwan TINTA Golden Mansion Award in
2022 40UNDER40 China (Chengdu) Design Outstanding Youth
2022 Golden Case Award National Excellence Award
2021 Bronze Award of Residential Space Engineering in the 12th China International Space Design Competition in
2021 PChouse Award Design Agency Top 10 in China
2021 Silver Award of Ginkgo Golden Bird Award
2021 Best temperature design award for a bag of candy in Southwest TOP50
2021 Nesting Award Gold Award for Ordinary Houses
2021 Hi-Design Apartment Group Gold Award
Top Ten Flat Floor Residential Design Awards of 2021 Red Ink Dou China Residential Design Competition
2021 Golden Dwelling Award China Top 100 Residential Space Designer
2021 Happy Home Design Competition National TOP40
2021 Smart Dress Design Competition · Top 100 smart dress designers in the future
2021 Golden Case Award · National Excellence Award
Winner of 2021 Asian Soft Fashion Award
2021 Top 100 figures in China's home decoration design
2021 ICS International Color Space Annual Excellent Color Space Design Award
2021 Best Design Award of Rayli Light Luxury Living Space
2021 40 INDER 40 China (provincial) design outstanding youth
2021 Baidu Xinju Award Top Ten Award of the Year for Large Family
Top 10 residential spaces of Mulan Award in 2021
2020 Private House Design · Top 100 Works of the Year Award
2020 Private House Design · City List Top 10 Designers in Chengdu
2020 Private House Design · National Top 100 Outstanding Designers
2020 CIFF Guangzhou · Design Thousand Talents Program Annual Person Award
2020 Ginkgo Golden Bird Award
2020 Golden Designer of the Year
2020 Golden Hall Award Outstanding Residential Apartment Space of the Year
2020 PChouse Award Private House Design Award City List BEST10
Top 100 of the Southwest Competition Zone in 2020
Top 100 design works with the most temperature in 2020
2020 Ruili Limitless Luxury Lifestyle Best House Design Award
2020 Mango Award&Shijianfang China Housing Creative Award
Top 10 residential space designers of the 2020 Golden Residence Award
2020 Cotton China Design Interior Design Award
2020 40 INDER 40 China (provincial) design outstanding youth
2020 Excellent Space Design Award
In 2020, I will go to Milan Design Contest Youth Ranking Network Popularity Top 10
Excellent designer of 2019 Happy Home Design Competition
2019 Design Book "This is Design" Best Living Space Award of the Year
2019 IDF "Voices for China Design" Elite
2019 IFI Top 100 Chinese Home Decoration Design Figures
2019 IFI China Top 100 Home Decoration Design Institutions
2019 Good Living&Best Popular Design Organization Award
2019 China (Chengdu) Top Ten Residential Space Designers - Golden Residence Award
2019 Mango Award&China Housing Excellence Award of Shijianfang
In 2019, live well in the top 20 of the Southwest Division of the "Constructor Award"
2019 Red Cotton Award Annual Excellent Elegant Luxury Space Design
Excellent Award of the 7th Hi-Design Interior Design Competition in 2019
Group Award of the 7th Hi-Design Interior Design Competition in 2019
2019 40UNDER40 Chinese (provincial) design outstanding youth
2019 6th Mango Award Excellent Works Award 2019 9th Nesting Award Gold Award Nomination Award
2019 M+China High-end Interior Design Competition TOP Award of National Urban Competition
2019 German Gaoyi China Residential Design Elite List National Excellent Creative Award National Top 20
2018 Golden Hall Award Excellent Residential Apartment Design
The Best Residential Architecture Design of the 9th International Space Design Art Award 2018
2018 China Design Person of the Year Best Design Agency
2018 Annual Sugar Powder Recommendation Popularity Award
Excellent Design Works of the Year of the Fourth Golden Tile Award in 2018
2018 40UNDER40 won the honor of China (provincial) design outstanding youth
2018 China New Real Estate Design Conference Annual Top Ten Excellent Apartment Designers
2018 M+China High-end Interior Design Competition Excellent Designer of the Year
2018 Mango Award&China Housing Excellence Award of Shijianfang
2018 Mango Award&China Housing Excellence Award of Shijianfang
2018 Asher Award Gold Award for Residential Architecture Design
2018 Cotton Medal Best Elegant Luxury Space Design Award Excellent Elegant Luxury Space Design
2017 Mango Award for outstanding works of display art design
2017 Mango Award&Ten Workshop Mango Ten Workshop Promotion
2017 Asher Award for outstanding works of display art design
More than 60 awards including Mulan Award, CIFF Guangzhou Design Former Plan, Ginkgo Golden Bird Award, PChouse Award Private House Design Award, Ruili Limitless Luxury Lifestyle Best Big House Design Award, Mango Award&Shijianfang China Housing Creative Award, Golden House Award, Red Cotton Award, 40 INDER 40, her design, Mango Award, Asher Award, M+China High-end Interior Design Competition, a bag of candy, good living, small living, design book, etc

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