IDPA Japan Design Award

2024 International Design Pioneer Award | Japan Tokyo

Chongqing Gold Coast residential

by Xu Jing

Projet Description

The project covers an area of 3200 square meters and is positioned as a modern luxury. Located in Binjiang Road, Chongqing, it has a perfect river view. We think about exploring the relationship between the space and nature of residents. We hope to convey the pure lazy space of the Oriental nature we have always wanted to convey. It also hopes to convey the elegant and leisurely taste of the residents' spirit and temperament.

Xu Jing

Sichuan Fine Arts Institutei special soft decoration teacher
Senior Interior Architect Oriental
mansion furnishings researcher
Founder of McGore Furnishing Product Manager
CIDF Display Art Gold Award
CIDF Top 10 Original Display Design Award
IDEA Award for Best Villa Display Design

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