IDPA Japan Design Award


by Xu Jiaqi

Project Description

Owner Background
The current owners are a newlywed couple with a daughter. They hope to use this design to document the progression of life stages and share their growth experiences with their child.
Design Concept
Therefore, we explore the structure of the space through its beginnings, transitions, and conclusions. This involves not only the vocabulary of materials, accessories, and light sources but also illustrates how space can tell a poetic story.
Language: The foundation of communication, the beginning of the story.
Seedling: The appearance of new life, the initial form.
Design Structure
Beginning, Middle: Origin, acceptance, and reception.
Entrance, Living Room: Based on the imagery of the Penghu harbor, reflecting the owner's hometown, using both natural and artificial light sources to create a sense of geographical environment. In terms of materials, handcrafted paint is used to resemble dried sand.
Transition: A new beginning.
Dining Kitchen, Transitional Corridor: Through creating, flowing, and storing spaces, we narrate the transformation of daily life.
Conclusion: Gathering desires.
A single space with simpler functions, requiring no large-scale changes. We explain the principles of light sources and how they illuminate the rooms.

Xu Jiaqi

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